[Msoadm] Early Timesheet Deadline for PPE 05/25/2024 - Memorial Day Holiday

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Wed May 15 14:22:36 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

Due to the upcoming Memorial Day Holiday on Monday May 27, 2024, an earlier timesheet deadline is required for the biweekly pay period ending 05/25/2024. Employees and Supervisors will need to submit/approve timesheets a few days earlier in order to allow sufficient time for Supervisors and Time & Attendance Administrators to review and approve timesheets.

05/12/2024 - 05/25/2024 Biweekly Pay Period

  *   Biweekly employees are asked to project hours worked (or leave taken) from Friday 05/24/2024 - Saturday 05/25/2024 and submit timesheets to supervisors by 11:00 PM on Thursday, 05/23/2024 as opposed to Sunday 05/26/2024.
  *   Supervisors are asked to approve timesheets by 11:00 PM on Friday, 05/24/2024 as opposed to Monday, 05/27/2024.
  *   Although information will be provided to biweekly paid employees and supervisors within the TARS system and through the TARs reminders, departments are asked to ensure their biweekly paid employees and supervisors are aware of the adjusted due dates.
  *   Note: Time clock users do not have the ability to project hours worked. Employees can continue to clock in/out up until the end of this pay period (05/25/2024). Supervisors will be required to approve these timesheets by Tuesday, 05/28/2024 at 10:00 AM.

If adjustments to the projected time are necessary, supervisors should coordinate with their Shared Services Center or initiate a correction using the TARS "prior pay period adjustment" functionality. A new user guide has been created for supervisors to assist with processing prior pay period adjustments: https://bfs.ucr.edu/sites/g/files/rcwecm751/files/2020-05/tars_prior_pay_period_adj_guide_final.pdf

Please direct questions to timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu<mailto:timesheetfeedback at ucr.edu> .  Thank you for your assistance in meeting these cut-off dates.

Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business and Financial Services (BFS) | Accounting Office

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