[Msoadm] April 2024 Period Close and Reports

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Mon May 20 11:35:30 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,

The April 2024 month end ledgers are now officially closed. The related Financial Transaction Detail Reports (FTDR) and Prime PI Summary reports for 2024-04 have been published and are available in RSpace under the Tools section "Financial Web Reports<https://finwebreports.ucr.edu/>".  April ledgers should be treated as preliminary ledgers to fiscal closing; researching missing transactions and taking action in time to process for May and June ledgers.  The Fiscal Closing Letter is available for review on the Accounting website https://accounting.ucr.edu/fiscal-year-end-closing

Some notes and reminders about the April ledgers:

  *   PCard Distributions
     *   Please ensure all outstanding charges from prior statements are immediately distributed to an appropriate COA and approved
     *   Unit PCardholders and/or designated Department Admins are responsible for distributing charges monthly in Concur or risk revocation of the cardholder's privileges
     *   As a reminder, designated department approvers must take action by reviewing and approving in Concur so the transactions can be submitted to Oracle.
     *   Please review Card Aging Report in iReport for all outstanding charges for PCard older than 30 days for PCard and T&E card that have not been processed to Oracle.
     *   In the future, undistributed charges will be redirected to the defined default COA.  Note: if the default COA was associated with a restricted fund (e.g., contract, grant, etc.), a department operating fund will be charged
  *   PCard Use Tax Corrections
     *   As mentioned last month, the PCard tax related entries Updates to PCard-related Use Tax were integrated into the February ledgers. Corrective measures, including reversals and adjustment journals, have been implemented to rectify tax-related PCard entries up to 1/30/2024. Further corrections for PCards posted to ledgers after 1/30/2024 through 3/15/2024 will be processed in May, coinciding with the adjustments made to streamline the process.
     *   Non-C&G corrections have been categorized under the "Other" source type
     *   C&G corrections will be visible in Looker and Financial Transaction Detail reports with a source code of "Projects."
     *   At this time, journals associated with source type "Other" are not available in the NCT tool.  Adding the source to NCT is being evaluated.  In the meantime, if immediate adjustments are required, a manual NCT will need to be requested.  Note:  this situation only impacts non-C&G funds.
As issues are identified, please consult the Known Issues<https://impact23.ucr.edu/known-issues-tracker> webpage, and report any new concerns by submitting a ticket using the Impact23 support site: https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal

Thanks for your continued patience and support.


Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business and Financial Services (BFS) | Accounting Office

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