[Msoadm] Imputed Income - Reporting Deadline

Asirra Suguitan asirra.suguitan at ucr.edu
Thu Oct 24 11:47:30 PDT 2024

Dear Colleagues,
As we approach the end of calendar year 2024, year-end activities are ramping up. One key activity is the imputed income reporting for employees' W-2 forms. The deadline for posting these activities in the final monthly paycheck of payroll year 2024 is the November payroll cycle.
To ensure accurate reporting, please note the following deadlines:

  *   For monthly-paid employees, expense reports that include imputed income must be approved with "Sent for Payment" status in Concur no later than November 11th.
  *   For biweekly-paid employees, expense reports that include imputed income must be approved with "Sent for Payment" status in Concur no later than November 20th.
Please review any outstanding expense reports and work with Accounts Payable to ensure all transactions are completed as soon as possible.
Thank you in advance for your support and adhering to these deadlines.
For payroll questions contact ucrpayroll at ucr.edu<mailto:ucrpayroll at ucr.edu> or for Concur questions please submit a ticket using the Impact23 support site: https://ucrsupport.service-now.com/finadmin_portal .

Asirra Suguitan
Associate Vice Chancellor and Campus Controller
Business and Financial Services (BFS) | Accounting Office


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