[Faculty] IPIP System Reminder

Provost provost at ucr.edu
Tue Oct 13 20:39:20 PDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

I am writing to remind you of the November 1st priority deadline to submit in-person instruction proposals for winter quarter.

As I mentioned in the Instructional Planning for Winter Quarter Update<https://provost.ucr.edu/blog/2020/10/02/instructional-planning-winter-quarter>, it is very likely we will remain in instructional phase 2 or 3 for winter quarter. Both of these phases require exceptional approval for in-person instruction, and remote-options for all but a small number of clinical courses in the School of Medicine and 1:1 courses such as individual study (at the instructor's discretion). More details are here<https://campusreturn.ucr.edu/plans-and-protocols> in the Instructional Continuity Plan.

If you are contemplating in-person teaching for winter quarter, please discuss first with your department chair or program director. Requests for exceptional approval for winter quarter courses should be submitted here<https://chassintranet.ucr.edu/ipip/>. The deadline for priority scheduling is November 1. Proposals received after November 1 will be considered on a rolling basis. If you have questions about the submission process, a user guide is available here<https://campusreturn.ucr.edu/plans-and-protocols> and email contacts are listed in the submission form.


Thomas M. Smith, Ph.D.
Interim Provost and Executive Vice Chancellor
4148 Hinderaker Hall
University of California, Riverside
*: 951.827.1129 | *: provost at ucr.edu<mailto:provost at ucr.edu>

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